Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hempstead Rebirth Launches Business Mentorship Program

    Are you a business owner? Are you looking to start a business? You should know about Hempstead Rebirth’s Business Institute! Rebirth’s open house introduced us to The e-Xtraordinary Business Building System - a training and education program designed for those who want to bring positive change to their business.
    Jim Nemley, co-founder and chief coach at Better Business Builders, spoke on how the program will work. The objective is to extricate businessmen and women from ‘excuse-ridden business plans’ and empower them with the same business leadership methodology adopted by Fortune 500 companies.
    “Many times someone is really good at doing their job. Then they go launching the job as business,” says Mr. Nemley. “But they do not know how to ensure their services accurately reach their market.” Having that understanding is essential to the success of the business. The e-Xtraordinary curriculum will test your knowledge of your business. Business mentors will then teach you how to establish business systems and monitor the effectiveness of those systems.
   Mr. Nemley said, “The high rate of failure of new small business within their first 5 years can be attributed to a lack of business acumen, or knowledge.” The Hempstead Rebirth Business Institute and its partners are seeking to create a community that can foster success, produce mentors and coaches, and bring prosperity to the Village of Hempstead.


  • Make certain to understand ALL of the business - your activity is not your business. Business = discipline + systems.
  • Make certain you enroll in a school to train you in business systems and management.
  • Find a business coach. They will train you and take you under their wing and stick with you.
  • Don’t proclaim to “know-it-all.” Continue learning and be like a sponge.
  • Never say, “I can’t afford to...” You doom yourself psychologically. End it always with “I can’t afford not to.”
For more information, visit or call (516) 539-2210.

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