Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hempstead Goes Green-er!

     In an effort to enhance efficiency while continuing to keep the Hempstead community "green" and clean, the Village Recycling Department is changing the operation of its recycling collection, beginning in July. The improved service will require a bit more effort from the residents, but the end result is a valuable commodity: a safer environment and a cleaner village. The details of the new regulation are listed below.

    The recycle bin is now to be used for glass and cans. Provided that you have enough room, you may insert plastic bottles into the recycling bin as well. Otherwise, place plastic bottles in a clear bag and place it next to your recycling bin. 

    Cardboard and paper will only be taken on Wednesdays only for all residents. Residents are required to bundle and tie (no larger than 2"x2" bundles) all paper and cardboard recyclables. Collection days for other materials remain unchanged. 

     Please direct questions about the new sanitation/recycling procedure to the Village Sanitation/Recycling Department at (516) 489-3400 ext. 268 / 553.

     (Previously printed in Hempstead Visions, May 2012)

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