Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hempstead Village To Hold Rally For Trayvon Martin

Photo courtesy of EURweb. Demonstrators march after a rally for Trayvon Martin.

Mayor Wayne Hall and officials in Hempstead village have planned a rally in support of the slain teen, Trayvon Martin. He was an unarmed black teenager who was killed last month by a neighborhood watch captain in Florida.

Many have called for the arrest of the shooter, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, saying the man would have been arrested had he been black and the victim white.

Zimmerman claimed he acted in self-defense after Martin pursued and attacked him. Zimmerman has not been charged.

Hempstead Mayor Wayne Hall, members of the village board of trustees and a local county legislator are expected to attend Saturday’s 1 p.m. rally in the parking lot outside Hempstead Village Hall.

Many of the speakers and attendees are expected to wear hooded sweat shirts to protest what they describe as racial stereotypes that have been used to justify the shooting.

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