Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hempstead Village Is Awarded Grant For Community Revitalization

New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo yesterday announced $3.45 million in grants through the "Brownfield Opportunity Areas" (BOA) program for 15 communities throughout the state. The Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency is due to receive funds totaling $254,700 to use for a 180-acre area with approximately 40 potential brownfield sites located in Hempstead's downtown in the vicinity of Franklin Street. State officials in Albany expect that the grants will help to create jobs, support environmental remediation, revitalize the communities, and expand the tax base in distressed neighborhoods that have been adversely affected by brownfield sites.

Surely, the Village of Hempstead is in need of this assistance because of the presence of many such brownfield sites on Franklin Street. Brownfields are dormant properties where contamination has impeded redevelopment, turning the properties into economic and environmental drains on localities. The BOA grant will support efforts by the village leading to revitalization, such as: investigations of site contamination conditions, environmental impact assessments, economic and market studies to determine the best use of the brownfields and vacant sites, redevelopment plans for strategic sites, marketing to attract developer interest, public forums and other opportunities for public participation, and other actions to spur investment, clean-up, and redevelopment related to brownfield sites. This financial boost is sure to bring crucial business and economic growth, essential to restoring vibrancy in Hempstead's downtown.

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