Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hempstead Living Spring Issue Is All New With Reinvention

Reinventing Hempstead Village

Here's What You'll See:

Sure Fire Ways to Become Debt Free

Lynnette Khalfani Cox, The Money Coach, who was once $100,000 in debt; she fought back with a real consitent financial plan to get her finances back on track and now we can follow her tips and do the same.

Quilla's Catering gets Remixed

Meet Acquilla Bailey, a caterer, who decided to attend a culinary conference in Las Vegas to reinvigorate her business with new strategies, clientele, and delights.

Key Food Celebrates Grand Opening

The popular grocery food chain has finally come to Hempstead to offer jobs and a new place to shop.

Pavon Deli Serves Delicious Healthy Spanish Food

This family owned restaurant serves up a healthy assortment of grilled fish and chicken, pupusas, tamales and curtido for a price that won't break the bank.

Living in Hempstead: Housing Update

Renters seeking affordable family living don't have to look far after one 94-unit apartment community opened and another 166-unit building is soon ready for it residents.

Hempstead Village To Hold Rally For Trayvon Martin

Photo courtesy of EURweb. Demonstrators march after a rally for Trayvon Martin.

Mayor Wayne Hall and officials in Hempstead village have planned a rally in support of the slain teen, Trayvon Martin. He was an unarmed black teenager who was killed last month by a neighborhood watch captain in Florida.

Many have called for the arrest of the shooter, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, saying the man would have been arrested had he been black and the victim white.

Zimmerman claimed he acted in self-defense after Martin pursued and attacked him. Zimmerman has not been charged.

Hempstead Mayor Wayne Hall, members of the village board of trustees and a local county legislator are expected to attend Saturday’s 1 p.m. rally in the parking lot outside Hempstead Village Hall.

Many of the speakers and attendees are expected to wear hooded sweat shirts to protest what they describe as racial stereotypes that have been used to justify the shooting.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hempstead Village Is Awarded Grant For Community Revitalization

New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo yesterday announced $3.45 million in grants through the "Brownfield Opportunity Areas" (BOA) program for 15 communities throughout the state. The Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency is due to receive funds totaling $254,700 to use for a 180-acre area with approximately 40 potential brownfield sites located in Hempstead's downtown in the vicinity of Franklin Street. State officials in Albany expect that the grants will help to create jobs, support environmental remediation, revitalize the communities, and expand the tax base in distressed neighborhoods that have been adversely affected by brownfield sites.

Surely, the Village of Hempstead is in need of this assistance because of the presence of many such brownfield sites on Franklin Street. Brownfields are dormant properties where contamination has impeded redevelopment, turning the properties into economic and environmental drains on localities. The BOA grant will support efforts by the village leading to revitalization, such as: investigations of site contamination conditions, environmental impact assessments, economic and market studies to determine the best use of the brownfields and vacant sites, redevelopment plans for strategic sites, marketing to attract developer interest, public forums and other opportunities for public participation, and other actions to spur investment, clean-up, and redevelopment related to brownfield sites. This financial boost is sure to bring crucial business and economic growth, essential to restoring vibrancy in Hempstead's downtown.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

A New Grocer Is In Town

Welcome Key Food Supermarket! 

Photo credit: Aaron Kearney | Key Food's very first and very satisfied customer.
Key Food has finally come to Hempstead. The new supermarket opened its doors on a warm winter day in February. The opening gathered many eager residents who were ready peruse the isles before the official ceremonies even began. The shelves were stocked, and all the produce that was stacked ready to go. Amid all the preparedness, the three store managers could be seen pacing back and forth - inside and outside. It was evident they wanted their grand opening celebration to be perfect. Everything you’d expect from a local supermarket was there and available that day. From the meat & fish departments to the fresh produce that had an alluring palette of colors, all was in tip-top shape.

Now how do you win the support of the village? Easy answer--you hire locals. According to store co-manager Julio Reyes, the new supermarket created 50 new jobs in the village. He made a point of hiring young people from the immediate surrounding neighborhood. “It’s fun and I get to meet new people,” said one young woman, who actually lives down the street from the store. Convenience of location is critical to the patronage of those who live in the neighborhood. They won’t have to walk or drive too far from home to find all the groceries they need. Being at located along the South Franklin Street corridor into Rockville Centre is an added bonus for the new Key Food supermarket. It offers a one-stop-and-shop for commuters driving through the village that won’t take them out of their way. 

Look out Hempstead--there’s yet another bargain food supermarket in town and they are offering competitive pricing. Another great service they have is the customer satisfaction program which accepts suggestions from shoppers requesting what they would like to see in the store. So expect to have a great shopping experience at the new Key Food supermarket in Hempstead.

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