Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Signs Of Resurgence For The Village Of Hempstead

Photo credit: Aaron Kearney. | A Bicycle tied to a tree on Main Street. (Hempstead, NY)

Those who frequent Main Street in the Village of Hempstead's Downtown Business District will soon witness major revitalization in that area. The Incorporated Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency is planning a major construction project to improve upon the conditions of Main Street, relative to pedestrian access and safety. The initiative comes as part of their efforts to restore vibrancy to the neighborhood and attract a diverse set of consumers to patronize the local shops. 

The Hempstead CDA has partnered with Gedeon GRC Consulting to redevelop the area. The Syosset-based firm brings a team of professionals with a wealth of  expertise in engineering roadway design.
The work area for redevelopment is bounded at the North end by the Centre Street and Nichols Court intersection and on the South end by Front Street. The renovated section of Main Street will feature: new decorative sidewalks with new, additional pedestrian crossings, new street furniture, new tree-plantings with decorative grates, and new street lamps for better lighting.
By projects like these, community officials are hoping that their strategy continues to bring resurgence to Hempstead and offer the economic growth that is so desperately needed.

Below are a few renderings courtesy of Gedeon GRC Consulting:

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